“Manifestation,” “raise your vibe,” and “high frequency” are buzzwords in the self-help community. Saying you “can attract what you want by being high frequency” is a vast oversimplification. Beyond that, gurus claim a basis in physics, yet redefine the established scientific term they are using. 

High Frequency

“High frequency” is defined as the band of frequencies between 3 and 30 Mhz. It is used by international shortwave broadcasting stations (3.95–25.82 MHz), aviation communication, government time stations, weather stations, etc. But that’s not the definition the manifestation community uses.

As someone who has spent their career as an electrical engineer in the communication systems field, the popular “raise your vibration” and “be high frequency” verbiage bugs me. So I’m here to set the record straight.

Is it all fake? 

Not necessarily.

Frequencies in Music

Let’s illustrate with a musical example. Sound is a vibrational wave, and sounds have frequencies. For example, the note “A” used to tune instruments is a frequency of 440 Hz. When notes are combined into chords or a song, it can create a physiological response in your body. You will have a different emotional response to “Phantom of the Opera” than “Let it Go” from Disney’s Frozen.

Pro-tip: use music to shift your mood if you’re feeling unmotivated

If you want to dive deeper, here’s a really interesting study on Frequency Cues for Human emotion.

Spoiler: “happy” peaked at a frequency below “neutral.” Also, the “highest frequency” emotion was anger. So unless you intend to “raise your temper,” let’s stop saying “raise your frequency.”

Energetics: More than High Frequency

It is true that everything (living or not) vibrates above the temperature of absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin, -460 degrees Fahrenheit, -273 degrees Celsius).

Sidenote: Zero degrees Kelvin is a theoretical temperature that has never been measured. The coldest place in the galaxy is the Boomerang Nebula at 1 degree Kelvin. NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory on the International Space Station has been able to artificially create an environment a fraction of a degree above 0 Kelvin.

Some energy we can sense through our bodies. Our ears detect sound. Eyes detect light (in its various colors). We can feel heat radiating onto our skin.

We might respond to intense sunlight by putting on a pair of sunglasses. If we feel a drop in temperature, we put on a jacket or grab a blanket. 

Other types of energy we are less aware of. But they are no less real. Radio waves propagate through the air, transmitting messages across the world. But until you tune the car radio to the right station, you wouldn’t know they were there.

People Respond to Energy

Our responses to energy aren’t always conscious, either. Photons (the particles of light that are released from the sun) hitting your eyes in the morning automatically triggers the pituitary gland in your brain to regulate the hormones in your body. Cortisol, Serotonin, and melatonin levels are affected by morning sunlight.

People respond to energy (consciously or unconsciously). Opportunities often come through people. So, the energy that people receive from you can influence the opportunities you receive.

Imagine you are producing a conference and need to hire a keynote speaker. You reach out to 2 candidates with similar credentials. One of them is excited about your cause, gives a bunch of ideas that will resonate with the theme of the conference, and is eager to join the project. The second candidate doesn’t seem to connect with the theme, seems bored, unengaged, and antsy to end the conversation. Which candidate are you going to pick? 

You just responded to the energy from two imaginary people.

Another example. Have you ever met up with a friend, and before they even said anything, you knew something was wrong? You felt it from their mere presence.

Just like music, the attitudes, words, and feelings of others can influence us. Likewise, the energy you bring to a conversation (or even just your presence) can affect others around you.

So, go ahead and let your positive attitude open doors for you. Just stop calling it “high frequency.”

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